What is a Facial & Neck Liposuction?
Facial liposuction, also called submental or submentum liposuction, can remove unwanted fat from under the chin and neck, helping to improve your appearance by banishing your double chin, jowls or even your turkey neck. It can change the look of your face, and others will be none the wiser — often leaving them thinking you have simply shed a few pounds.
Chin/neck liposuction does not differ much from liposuction elsewhere on the body, except in scale. A smaller area is being treated and a smaller amount of fat (usually just a few ounces) is being removed. Sometimes chin augmentation with implants can be performed in conjunction with facial liposuction to create or restore facial harmony. Neck/chin liposuction can also be done in conjunction with buccal fat extraction if you are bothered by chubby cheeks.